Happy BDay To Trudy @ Rapid Refill Ink in McKinney Texas

Toner News Mobile Forums Happy BDay To Trudy @ Rapid Refill Ink in McKinney Texas

Date: Tuesday April 1, 2014 08:55:56 am
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  • Anonymous

    Happy BDay To Trudy @ Rapid Refill Ink in McKinney Texas


    It's My Party…!

    The month of April is a happy month. It is my birthday month! While I do enjoy small and tasteful gifts in gold, this month I am going to enjoy giving gifts to my customers while supplies last.

    If you come in or call and wish me a Happy Birthday, I’ll give you a scratch and win card. Each card has offers for discounts and even a slim chance of winning an Apple iPad Mini.

    By the way, my official birthday is April 8, but you have the whole month to celebrate.

    Short of filling an inkjet or toner cartridge I enjoy nothing more than giving gifts. My Birthday Month seems like a good time to do just that!

    If you need to place an order you can always reach us at 972.548.9393 or send an email to trudy.whitney@rapiderefillink.net or simply CLICK HERE.



    A Printer-Winning Poem From Rapid Refill:

    The Ides of March have come and gone
    Hail Caesar laid to rest.
    Rachel Lewis’ name was drawn
    To win the very best!
    Our favorite Brother Printer MFC J470DW.

    The Brother MFC-J470DW is a great printer for school, home or a small office. It’s Multi-function – Fax, Scan, Copy, Print, Duplex and even Wireless! But here’s the best part: At Rapid Refill Ink in McKinney the High Yield black cartridges for this printer are only $11 and the colors just $8 each!

    Congratulations to Rachel who was very surprised and plans to use it in her new workplace.

    Stay tuned for more great offers from Rapid Refill Ink in McKinney, Texas. We love our customers!



    Rapid Refill Ink's Chief Delivery Boy Has a Question For You – WWBBD?

    As the full service Chief Delivery Boy for Rapid Refill Ink, I am asked from time to time for a little help from our customers.



    Sometimes the person who orders toner for the printers may not know how to install the new cartridge.


    Sometimes a printer may need resetting to accept an imaging unit.


    Sometimes there may be an error code that needs attention.


    These are things I am happy to assist.


    Don’t be shy to ask for help from me, Chief Delivery Boy, because most of the time it’s a pretty easy fix. Plus it’s fun to help and develop a great relationship with all of you!


    What would the big box stores do?






    We offer a nice selection of re-furbished printers we believe are a good value for our customers. Each comes with a 60-day warranty.

    Takes a look at these printers:

    Looking for something different? Give us a call at 972.548.9393 and let's discuss it. Chances are we can get you a good deal!

    Follow us on Facebook

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    Rapid Refill Ink – McKInney, TX

    400 N. Central Expressway

    Mckinney, TX 75070


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