Excerpt: Order entered on 11/15/2023 granting Joint Motion to Amend Scheduling Order.
ORDERED that the hearing on Plaintiffs’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction, Aug. 22, 2023, ECF No. 9, is rescheduled to December 7, 2023; and it is further ORDERED that the parties shall file a status report regarding their efforts to reach a negotiated resolution by December 4, 2023; and it is further ORDERED that briefing on Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, Oct. 3, 2023, ECF No. 24, is extended for an additional three weeks. Plaintiffs’ response is now due by December 12, 2023, and the reply is due twenty-one days after the date of filing.
Excerpt: Plaintiffs state that they have provided Defendants with a proposed settlement process that would include disclosing additional information from the administrative record to Ninestar and establishing procedures for consideration of Ninestar’s request for removal. Defendants state that they are considering plaintiff’s proposal in coordination with all FLETF members but require additional time to complete their deliberations with the nine FLETF agencies and return a proposal to Plaintiffs. Click here or photo below to download the latest. Plaintiffs state that they have provided Defendants with a proposed settlement gov.uscourts.cit.16649.55.0