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Date: Thursday January 10, 2019 11:06:20 am
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newsKeymasterGerman Publication Name China's Static Control Components and Aster Graphics As Main Source Of Toxic Chemicals In Toners.
China cartridges obviously contaminated with pollutants on a massive scale
(Translated to English from it's original version)New tests conducted by ETIRA show that Chinese new built cartridges (NBC) arecontaminated to a far greater extent with the banned toxic flame retardantdecabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE) than originally assumed. This is supported not only bythe fact that eight out of nine cartridges tested to date have been heavily contaminated, butalso by the high degree of specialization in the Chinese hardcopy industry: Insiders assumethat a large proportion of the housings for Chinese NBC come from a single supplier, Huiwei(not to be confused with the smartphone manufacturer Huawei). Further tests, which arejust starting, will soon bring clarity. Meanwhile, the nervousness among German onlineretailers is increasing significant: they rightly fear that they will end up having to take the rapas distributors of the cartridges and will be left standing in the DecaBDE rain by their Chinesesuppliers.(Careful, dangerous substance! New tests suggest that Chinese new built cartridges arecontaminated to a far greater extent with the prohibited flame retardant DecaBDE thanpreviously assumed.)DecaBDE-loaded China cartridges.Seldom has such an avalanche of news reports from us started such an avalanche as theinvestigative report "Ruthless Chinese Free Riders" in our September issue DI – DigitalImaging 5-2018: We were the first to discover that certain Chinese new built toner cartridges(NBC) were contaminated with extremely high concentrations of the banned toxic flameretardant decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE). The substance is evaluated by the FederalEnvironment Agency as persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT) and is suspected ofhaving long-term harmful effects on embryonic development. Therefore, it is also on the listof 'Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).All important hardcopy tickers worldwide had taken up the topic at that time, and it washotly debated in the industry. Also, in the Middle Kingdom the reports were followedattentively. Daniel Orth, Managing Partner of Tonerdumping, comments: "I know fromNinestar, our most important Asian supplier, that they started to convert production to DI –Digital Imaging just one week after the publication of the report. At Aster, too, the topicquickly reached the top floor, and they reacted accordingly." This shows how much the largeChinese hardcopy manufacturers are aware of the explosive nature of the whole thing. Buteven if Ninestar & Co. were to convert their entire production within a few weeks, theproblem is far from being solved: since the Asians have literally flooded the Europeanmarket with their new-builts in recent years, one must assume that hundreds of thousands,in the worst case even millions, of loaded China-cartridges are doing their job in Europeanprinters.(In order to be able to accurately assess the health hazards for users of the DecaBDEcontaminated China cartridges, we asked two renowned environmental toxicologists fortheir expertise. As soon as we receive their comments, we will publish them on the DIhomepage.)Shocking: Eight of nine cartridges heavily contaminated.In the original report in September it was 'only' about two cartridges from Static Controlheavily contaminated with DecaBDE. In order to get a more accurate picture of the scale ofthe scandal, the European Remanufacturer Association ETIRA has commissioned its owntests in recent weeks. ETIRA has bought various new-built cartridges from Asianmanufacturers via Amazon and had them tested by TÜV Rheinland/LGA.The results are shocking: out of five new-built cartridges tested, four contained DecaBDE inextremely high concentrations – between 2,000 and 17,000 mg/kg (!). The following newbuilttoner cartridges are specifically affected:– Bubprint brand (compatible with HP17A), sold via Amazon dealer Printer Cartridges Express(Germany)– Prestige Print brand (compatible with HP17A), sold through Amazon dealer J&H Greentechand Trading Ltd. (U.K.)– Brand Koala (compatible with HP26X), sold through Amazon dealer Lucky Suppliers HandelsGmbH (Germany)– Yellow Yeti brand (compatible with HP26X), sold through Amazon distributor SimplePrinting Ltd. (U.K.)ETIRA could not tell us which manufacturers produced the contaminated cartridges of themore or less exotic brands. The only difference was that the four cartridges from Bubprint,Prestige Print, Koala and Yellow Yeti had high DecaBDE concentrations of 2,000 to 17,000mg/kg. ETIRA Secretary General Vincent van Dijk said that his main concern in selecting thetest cartridges was that they should be products that any consumer could easily buy online.He therefore specifically bought cartridges that were prominently listed on Amazon. Ofcourse, it would have been desirable to have the cartridges of the major Chinesemanufacturers Ninestar, Print-Rite and Aster tested directly. But it was not postponed andETIRA would have further tests carried out in January, including the major brands.Van Dijk was also shocked by the new results: "Our tests give cause for real concern. Theyshow that in the case of DecaBDE we are not dealing with individual cases but with asystemic problem of Asian new-built cartridges containing extremely high concentrations ofa dangerous substance. Many Asian manufacturers even complain that their cartridges areREACH- and RoHS-compliant – but obviously they are not. We at ETIRA therefore call on theresponsible EU and national authorities to remove the contaminated cartridges from themarket as quickly as possible!(When it comes to profit, European laws are sometimes ignored by Chinese companies –even when consumer health is at risk.)And the 'DecaBDE Oscar' goes to – Static Control...In addition to the five cartridges now tested by ETIRA and the two Static Control cartridgesalready analysed in September, a further cartridge was tested in November: It was a HP412X from Tonerdumping. The client was the same Remanufacturer who had already testedthe two Static Control cartridges and who trusted us with the results at the time. The tonerdumping cartridge was also heavily contaminated: The TÜV Rheinland/LGA laboratorymeasured a DecaBDE value of 14,000 mg/kg while the HP reference cartridge was clean. AsDaniel Orth informed us upon request, the contaminated toner dumping cartridge is withouta doubt a static control cartridge. When he bought this batch, he even wondered about itsextremely low price, but didn't think much of it. Thus, Static Control is currently leading thenot very praiseworthy 'DecaBDE hit list' with three contaminated cartridges…Welcome to the DecaBDE Club: Aster.Last but not least, we have already had the analyses of a ninth cartridge tested since June:These also come from our anonymous source. Since no HP cartridge was analysed as areference for this test and the cartridge was not intended for the European market, we hadpreviously kept the manufacturer's name under lock and key. We are now moving awayfrom this because the analyses from TÜV Rheinland/LGA are trustworthy even withoutnegative control. It is an HP 18A laser cartridge (black) from Aster. Specifically, it waspurchased in Moscow in May and tested in June. Also, with this Aster cartridge a highDecaBDE load of 5,600 mg/kg was measured.The HP 18A is almost identical in construction to the HP 17A and is used in the HP LaserJetPro M104A and M104W. These printers are sold in Eastern Europe, not in this country.Formally legally this cartridge may not be to be sued, because it was not intended for theEuropean market – in the moral sense though it makes no difference whether I poisonEuropeans, Russians or Africans…This means that eight out of nine China cartridges tested to date contain a highconcentration of DecaBDE – a rate of just under 90 %. And it is a real scandal: If there hadbeen a need for proof that we are not dealing with a specific problem here, but with aproblem covering the whole area, then this has been achieved at the latest with the newresults of the ETIRA test series.(View of the Huiwei company building in Zhuhai: The first building of the new Ninestarfactory can be seen on the left in the background – only 400 meters away.)Many contaminated cartridges – few suppliers.In addition to the high hit rate, there are other strong indications that Chinese NBCs arebroadly contaminated with DecaBDE. Our research has shown that the diversity of suppliersin the Chinese hardcopy industry is not too far off: there has been strong consolidation inrecent years, both at the level of finished cartridge manufacturers and suppliers. Insiderstherefore assume that a large part of the housings for Chinese NBC come from a singlesupplier: Huiwei Corp. based in Zhuhai. Volker Kappius, Managing Director at Delacamp andspokesman for the network of German Cartridge Reprocessors (DKWU), has been closelymonitoring developments in the Chinese hardcopy industry in recent years. Asked about theDecaBDE issue, Mr. Kappius explains that an estimated 60-80% of all housing parts forChinese new-built toner cartridges are produced by Huiwei. In addition to the figuresdescribed to him, Kappius cites another indication: "Take a look at who set up a hugeproduction facility right next to Ninestar's new, modern factory in Zhuhai two to three yearsago: Huiwei…"To avoid any misunderstandings: So far there is no proof that Huiwei supplied the housingsof the contaminated cartridges. But in view of the Chinese company's high market share inthis segment, it is quite likely that Huiwei plastic parts were also used in the contaminatedcartridges. Conversely, this would be a clear indication that we are most likely dealing with aproblem on a large scale.(Cling together – swing together: The big German online traders are rightly insecure,because as distributors of contaminated China cartridges they are the first to be held liable.)Growing mistrust of Chinese suppliers.It is not surprising that the dealers of China cartridges are very unsettled by thisdevelopment – especially the big online players on Amazon & Co.: They rightly fear that asdistributors of the cartridges they will have to turn their heads and end up being leftstanding in the DecaBDE rain by their Chinese suppliers. We know from severalconversations that our report of 17 December has further increased the nervousness ofmany online retailers: They immediately went into crisis mode, and the telephone wires tothe Asian suppliers were really glowing after the publication. The Chinese answered thequestions of their German sales partners about the contents of the cartridges in their ownway: with long documents about the alleged REACH and RoHS conformity of their products.But paper is known to be patient. "If only one person in the entire supply chain – from theplastic granulate supplier to the finished cartridge manufacturer – is lying, then such adeclaration of conformity is not worth a straw," complains a large retailer who does notwant to be named. Another expresses his growing mistrust as follows: "It will go on as usual:the Chinese will continue as before. And we traders, who imported and sold the cartridges,are the fall guys." That's why he is also considering having his own tests carried out to be onthe safe side.Further tests are currently being initiated by WTA and a second German remanufacturer.Both companies are not ETIRA members and want to create their own facts – as well as solidarguments for their sales team. "Which dealer wants to sell their customers cartridges thatare heavily contaminated with harmful substances?" is the rhetorical question posed byWTA marketing manager Thomas Lentes. There is a need for clarification – and Suhl willgladly face up to this task. The fact that the Thuringian hardcopy specialist had twelve newbuiltcartridges from the major Chinese manufacturers purchased from various Germanonline dealers on 21 December shows how willingly they are doing this. As soon as thecartridges are available, they are immediately transferred to the meanwhile DecaBDE-testedtest laboratory of TÜV Rheinland/LGA.Giant opportunity for the European remanufacturing industryOf course, we will publish the new results as soon as they are available and place them inthe overall context. In addition, we are in contact with colleagues from the public mediawith a large reach, so that they can also take up the topic: The high contamination of tens ofthousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of China cartridges with banned, toxicsubstances is no longer just an issue for the hardcopy industry: it is about the endangermentof millions of European consumers who are unsuspectingly exposed to dangerous pollutants.We therefore call on the German and EU authorities to finally apply existing lawsconsistently and to stop the import of Asian new-built cartridges into Europe until allsuppliers have provided proof that their products are actually 'clean' and legally compliant.That is the least they owe their citizens!We firmly believe that this scandal is a real opportunity for the European remanufacturingindustry to regain ground against the Asians. Not because we are opposed to globalcompetition, but because we are opposed to this nasty form of distortion of competition. Togrossly disregard laws and endanger human health is not a trivial offence. Here we share oneto one the view of our US colleagues from Actionable Intelligence who wrote in their reportof 18 December: "The problem of banned substances in new-built cartridges is a huge issue –and it gives both OEMs and remanufacturers a real chance to drive many new-builtcartridges out of the market. (…) The DecaBDE scandal seems to have the potential to ban abroad range of new-built toner cartridges from Europe."Facts and MythsThe harmful flame retardant DecaBDE has been banned from more and more productcategories in recent years. After March 2, 2019, the substance may no longer bemanufactured or placed on the market in Europe according to the REACH regulation. Inelectrical and electronic equipment, DecaBDE has been banned throughout Europe since 1July 2008. Since printer cartridges with microchips fall into this product category, they havenot been allowed to contain DecaBDE for more than ten years. This is the unequivocalassessment of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), and this is also the unanimousopinion of the experts we interviewed in the field of waste disposal.Here is the statement of the Federal Environment Agency in the original language: "In thecase of toner cartridges, it must first be checked whether they fall within the scope of theElectrical Substances Ordinance or RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. This only applies to electricaland electronic equipment. In this respect, toner cartridges with an electronic component,e.g. a chip, are covered by the scope of application. The use of DecaBDE for these has beenprohibited since 1 July 2008."Some affected suppliers falsely suggest in their blog that contaminated cartridges may stillbe placed on the market until 1 March 2019, even if they contain DecaBDE concentrations> 0.1 %. Only after 2 March 2019 would the substance no longer be permitted in the EU. Thisis wrong and misleading. In fact, the deadline for a general DecaBDE ban in electrical andelectronic equipment was a little longer ago – exactly ten years and seven months…Chinese Cartridge Pollutant Statistics for Beginners.Assuming that 400 million toner modules are sold worldwide each year, the German marketaccounts for 5-10 % of this, i.e. 30 million cartridges. Every second of these is an HP/Canoncartridge, which makes 15 million units. Conservatively, China new-builts in Germany have amarket share of 20-30%. This brings us to 3.8 million China cartridges for HP laser printerssold in Germany each year. If the previous analyses were representative of the overall market – and there is no evidence to the contrary – then almost 90 % of all new-builts from China would be contaminated with DecaBDE. This would mean that 3.4 million contaminated cartridges were sold in Germany –projected for the full year 2018. Even if one does not consider the previous tests to be representative and arbitrarily makes the assumption that "only" every third China cartridgeis contaminated, one would come up with 1.3 million contaminated cartridges per year.Broken down, this means that approx. 3,500 DecaBDE cartridges are bought here every day.While you were reading this report alone (15 minutes), statistically 35 German consumersreceived a contaminated China cartridge. Unsuspecting consumers who know nothing aboutthe dangerous ingredients of their cheap toner cartridge. Dear authorities: Wake up andprotect the health of German consumers!Evil raw material supplier…On 21 December Static Control issued a statement on the DecaBDE scandal via the 'Recycler'and other channels. According to this statement, the company's own cartridges have beenanalysed in recent weeks and the majority would comply with current environmentalregulations. With a small number of cartridges, a prohibited substance was found in theplastic parts. The contaminated plastic would come from a "roguish raw material supplier".The company reacted immediately to ensure that all cartridges would be legally compliant infuture.If Static Control thinks that this waxy statement, which does not even name the substance inquestion, is a remedy, then it is a huge mistake. Transparency looks completely different,and the explanation raises far more questions than it answers: Who was the "roguishsupplier of raw materials"? How many Static Control cartridges are affected in total? Whichother hardcopy manufacturers source their plastic parts from the "roguish" supplier? Andabove all: How many DecaBDE-polluted cartridges has Static Control already sold to Europein recent months? What measures do you want to take to get the contaminated cartridgesback from the market as quickly as possible? What about product recalls? Will Static Controlcompensate its European trading partners, who have been deceived just as much as theunsuspecting end customers, financially for the damage? Last but not least: What happensto the contaminated cartridges that dealers still have in stock? Do they get financialcompensation for this…?By the way, the scandal is not only about European environmental regulations, as thestatement by Static Control suggests. DecaBDE is a toxic substance that has been banned inEuropean electronic equipment since 2008 and is suspected of having a long-termdetrimental effect on embryonic development. That is a rather striking difference!
AuthorJanuary 10, 2019 at 11:06 AM
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