Poor OkiData Corp, China Apex Launches Toner Chips
That Still Work After OKI Firmware Updates Are Done. (The Chinese Toner Cloners Are Already Selling These Fake Toners On Amazon) Apex confirms replacement chips still work after OKI firmware update.
The company announced in October, OKI had issued a firmware update on 18 October and immediately tested that their replacement chips still work.
Apex released the statement “Apex has tested and verified in new firmware and found the products for OKI B432 series can worked normally.”
As part of the latest update to the Apex Support 3.0 App, it is now possible to view all test results for firmware updates. According to Apex the chip test results will be updated every week. Simply log in, go to “Firmware Test Results” and look for the item you need – the verification results will be shown in chronological order.
For more information, please visit ww w. apexmic. com. h t t p s://w w w . therecycler.com/posts/apex-chips-resist-oki-firmware-update/