China’s Ninestar Claims Public Interest Favor Lifting Ban, Begs Courts To Let Them Back Into the US.

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Date: Tuesday October 17, 2023 03:38:52 pm
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  • jim

    The Equities And Public Interest Favor Injunctive Relief Claims Ninestar.
    Excerpt: As explained in Ninestar’s motion, the balance of equities and public interest strongly favor Ninestar: An injunction would alleviate Ninestar’s substantial ongoing harms, ensure the fair and uniform application of the law, and vindicate the purposes of the UFLPA. Motion 15–17.  The Government’s only response is to explain that forced labor is bad. Response 37–39. We agree. Ninestar has repeatedly condemned, and will continue to condemn, forced labor. But the government’s “trust us” approach to the UFLPA does not further the Act’s purpose—to say nothing of the rule-of-law more generally. Failing to properly identify human traffickers or adequately explain listing decisions neither incentivizes compliance nor deters (actual) bad actors. The UFLPA’s noble goals are served only through accurate, evenhanded, and reasoned agency decision-making—precisely what Ninestar seeks here.
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    Ninestar, The Equities And Public Interest Favor Injunctive Relief. 10 16 2023

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