China’s Ninestar-Kingway Defies US Ban, Importing Through Mexico for Direct Sale on Amazon. Again has been advise of Ninestar defying the US ban, this is not the first and probably won’t be the last that we’ve been made aware of this, just last week we’ve been advised of them still offering product to US wholesalers.
Going direct and bypassing all established US dealers or resellers.
Sneaking product into the US through the Mexican or even the Canadian border is probably nothing new for China’s Ninestar, and once the product crosses into the US, its destination remains a mystery. Our conjecture is that it might find its way to California’s Green Project business location, or ACM, or perhaps an obscure, undisclosed spot. What sets this situation apart this time around is that Ninestar is bypassing and avoiding all established US dealers or resellers. After all, why risk dealing with disgruntled US companies and drawing attention with the authorities. Therefor this time around It looks like Ninestar’s Kinsway ink cartridges are available directly on Amazon’s homepage, unobstructed and easily accessible.
the US operation was very lucrative for Ninestar in the hundreds of million$ of dollars and they are not about to let any ban or court order deny them from this market. This is an ongoing event that has shaking the core of the toner industry and will continue to keep us guessing. Remember is only news site reporting on these events since everyone is else is still covertly in the clone toner business, including US news agencies who are still getting paid by China’s Ninestar.