Can Now Confirm that TopJet is Now the Price Leader for Low-Cost (Ninestar) Clone Toner in Europe.

Toner News Mobile Forums Toner News Main Forums Can Now Confirm that TopJet is Now the Price Leader for Low-Cost (Ninestar) Clone Toner in Europe.

Date: Tuesday June 27, 2023 02:41:34 pm
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  • jim
    Keymaster Can Now Confirm that TopJet is Now the Price Leader for Low-Cost (Ninestar) Clone Toner in Europe.
    Here is what happened.

    They are hiding G&G who was named in the Ban!!!

    U.S. company Static Control Components (Scc) owned by Ninestar is more about consumables and will probably now be used as a brand to sell toner cartridges in the US, but what will the U.S. SCC staff do now knowing very well that these toners are made with slave labor? Will they have the moral compass to say no to China or will they turn their back?
    Static Control Withdraws from ITC Investigation in the US - RTM World


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