Hobby Lobby to Give Supplies to Schools in Settlement with U.S. AG

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Date: Tuesday June 17, 2014 11:07:05 am
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    Hobby Lobby to Give Supplies to Schools in Settlement with U.S. Attorney General's Office
    Hobby Lobby to give supplies to schools in settlement with AG office

     Hobby Lobby has reached a settlement with the Attorney Generals office after an investigation into alleged deceptive advertising practices. The investigation, which began in 2013, shows Attorney General Schneiderman’s office had been tracking marketing materials advertising 50 percent off and 30 percent off sales. After a year of tracking, Hobby Lobby was found in violation of a business law for false advertising. Hobby Lobby, as part of the settlement, will be required to give nearly 700 schools a total of $138,600 in gift cards for supplies in addition to paying civil penalties. 48 schools in Albany County, 35 in Schenectady County, as well as 20 in Rensselaer, 14 in Saratoga Counties will be eligible to receive gift cards towards student supplies.

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