Back From The Gallows of Hurricane Irma.
Hard times for Floridians throughout the state.
It's been a very long week, we won't bore you with all our personal struggles to get back on our feet after 7 days with no power/electricity. One thing we will mention since we are in the news business was the lack of information available to the general public that where affected by the hurricane after the power went out for almost 6 million people, no smartphone, no internet, no WiFi, no local TV news, thus no ability to contact anyone in anyway shape or form, nothing worked?!, the only thing that worked was the good old transistor radios, a must have in these situations.
But people where resilient never the less, we found news and info by accident ourselves when we drove by the fort Lauderdale Airport and saw that our phones where working in that area since the airport was also being used by the 1st responders, and thats when i realized an interesting ideal, what if going forward well versed information companies and brands sent mobile units to various regoins with high auto traffic areas that get hit with natural disaters and set up HURRICANE INFORMATION CENTERS so people can stop by and get news and information, this would help tremendously and would also give these companies some good free advertising exposure all the while helping people find a way to recover, this would be a true Win-Win.
Thank you all for your thoughts and concerns. 🙂