Why Lexmark Carefully Waited For Canon's ITC's Recent Toner Patent Ruling Before Naming a New CEO. In The Age Of The Trump Vs. China Trade War, Being "Legitimate” Has Some Importance.
Static's control and Lexmark are both division of Ninestar Corporation that are owned by Zhuhai Wanlida Electrical automation Co. Ltd all of which are business entities owned by the actual Chinese Government all of which were paying very close attention to the recent USITC pending Canon lawsuit Vs. their clone New Built toner products.
It has been some time since Lexmark had a sitting CEO and the recent appointment of a new CEO literally the next day after the Canon ruling show that the Chinese Government carefully waited for the right time to name a new CEO for Lexmark.
The last CEO Rich Geruson, abruptly stepped down with no public comment or reason?. We figured that once he found out that S.C.C. and Ninestar's cloned toner where not completely legitimate or legal at that time that he had second taught about putting in CEO name on company? of course there's also a lot more to it than that, but the optics of naming a new CEO 24 hours after the ITC Canon ruling clearly shows strategic thinking on the part of the Chinese Government and all the people behind these business entities especially with the on-going Trump Vs. China trade war.