It’s going to be interesting to see if Ninestar our any members of the Chinese Toner cartel are going to make a stand Vs. Russia for Invading Ukraine, don’t hold your breath. We’ll keep this short and sweet since we all know that no one in China is going to make a moral or verbal stand on the useless war that has taken the world by surprise. We don’t believe that any company in China that’s in our toner industry is going to stop any shipments into Russia, even if the Rubble (Russian Currency) is worth as much as my old Cadillac. Greed is too powerful of a source in China to make a moral stand for anything. We have seen this play out before even after every member of the Chinese toner cartel has been sued repeatedly, they just keep coming right back, so why a should a war stop the flow of fake product?
Since they are a news agency, RT Media the toner-news source of China, now has the opportunity to speak up and make a moral point that war is not a fruitful option for any Chinese business to do business with Russia. But since they have been known to lack a backbone and have no 1st amendment rights in China, their silence is once again going to fill the industry with a void that is again unexplainable. But maybe old David Gibbons will spin something out with some hope for the Chinese industry in regards to Russia? Because we all know right from wrong from this point on, right David?