RUMOR: China’s Ninestar Defies Ban, Brings Toner Into the US Through SCC Hong Kong?

Toner News Mobile Forums Toner News Main Forums RUMOR: China’s Ninestar Defies Ban, Brings Toner Into the US Through SCC Hong Kong?

Date: Monday December 11, 2023 04:24:00 pm
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  • jim
    Keymaster was forwarded information from reliable sources that Ninestar was still bringing toner products through various locations from out of sight companies located Abroad, in the process SCC’s name kept coming up.

    Ink jet & laser toner cartridge supplier | Static Control

    SCC now selling more clones than components.
    This is not the first time that has been made aware of Ninestar’s clone products coming in, right after the ban, emails were forwarded to us from Megain claiming that they have new toner chips still available, and from Ninester’s G&G claiming that they can ship via air into the US to avoid US customs, and currently Ninestar is suing the US gov for re-entry and their lawyers are adamantly not backing down. Just last week the US law firm of SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP Amended its original complaint claiming that the US Government’s evidence against Ninestar is “Virtually Non-Existent.” These are perfect examples of Ninestar’s disrespect for US laws and for operating above the law globally, something we’ve pointed out many times.

    Is it time to raid these US businesses?
    Of course, China’s Ninestar toner products are still coming into the US through various countries and alias companies not just through SCC. Until US distributors report a shortage, then we can assume that these goods are still readily available in the US. We implore our US Gov. to do the research and investigate these US resellers and distributors that still support slave labor product made by China’s Ninestar and take appropriate action.

    Ninestar Quits Canon '337 Investigation in the USA - RTM World

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