NInestar makes more toner-print acquisitions in Europe, thanks an unknown, Diego Fontana of AQA who only has 1 connection on LinkedIn and no business history.
Let’s face it, when you are known to be the world’s biggest toner and ink cartridge counterfeiter and you’ve been sued by every OEM in the industry, you can’t just show up in the West and think you can easily acquire any businesses without a local presence. So, in play comes AQA, and Italian company with NO history of ever being in the industry ran by Diego Fontana, who only has 1 connection on LinkedIn.
Strange things are coming out Ninestar over the past few months, a new auto chip company called Geehy, rumors of selling off Lexmark and now the acquisition of PRINK SpA by a joint venture called NinestarAQA. Now although the NinestarAQA PRINK SpA transaction took place last April 2022, the announcement was only recently made. Also and probably related, 123inkt group has recently made further acquisitions by consolidating its strong position in the European empty toner collections market.
We are in a strange industry folks, when the actual Chinese Communist Party has set the goal of taking over our toner/ink industry. Ninestar will probably also buy the 123inkt group (if they haven’t done so already) and try to control most aspects of the European toner industry. Frankly, it’s about time that the European Union looks DEEP into Anti-trust issues in Ninestars global dealings. We believe that these transactions are the CCP’s quest to control information, the narrative and our industries toner chip sectors. US President Biden is set to announce new sanctions on China’s chips industry shortly and that is why these Chinese Communist Party goals are now set in play.